Fabulous Ancient Chinese Inventions that Make Our Society Today

Talking about inventions and innovations, Europeans and Americans seem to hold the trophy for that. They lead the trend around the world, and when we look around, an idea probably hooks our mind that the majority of things is invented, created and made by them. Google, Apple, Ferrari, Rolex and etc. Those big brands people pursuit with dear life are from there. Not only that, in school, we’re often heard about a lot of English names of people who makes our civilization today.

Isn’t it as well making them the great inventors? Well, you might need a second thought for that. Even though Europe and America are great in their way, thousand years ago they’re steps behind from China. Surprising isn’t it? But maybe it’s not that surprising. This most populated country of the Asian continent still shows great integrity for technology development and various inventions. Just last year, their scientists announced a project causing thousands of awed look from the international world. They’re on their way to make an artificial sun for a new energy source project. When the project is done, it’ll add a number to one of the greatest ancient Chinese inventions in history. Indeed, Chinese is one of the pioneers when it comes to inventions.

In fact, if it’s not for the ancient Chinese inventions, there’s a huge impossibility that our generation will be this progressive and that our civilization is this civil. We should thank the Chinese for their genius inventions which save us from lots of discomfort and backwardness. If you don’t yet, believe me, check these 12 fabulous ancient Chinese inventions that make our society today.

12. Paper


Before the booming of smartphone and digital world, we get all the information written on a paper made into a book. For thousands year, that’s our main way of knowledge and idea sharing. But, if China didn’t invent it thousands of years ago, we’re likely stuck with leaves, stones or boards while the earth has a faster forest crisis. I wouldn’t want to imagine that, and so we should really thankful to China for making such an invention.

Paper is one of the unrivaled ancient Chinese inventions. It truly changes our system to its core. It provides a better way of sharing information, spreading ideas, implanting propaganda, and etc. This invention has brought us to a new level of clarity and togetherness. By the invention of papers, many are achieved and if it’s not without the born of paper from Cai Lun’s hand, this era of technology development we taste won’t ever exist.

It was in the Han dynasty under emperor Ho-Ti sovereignty when paper is invented by his eunuch, around 100 BC when the other sides of the world remain clueless about this wonderful thing. Paper has spread among the Chinese that time especially since Ts’ao Lun starts the first paper industry. Nevertheless, it’ll still need thousands of years ahead until people in Eurasia get familiar with paper.

11. Compass


The old world is famous for its long journey, marking new lands and sailing to the end of the sea. You might hear of Columbus. Many well-known explorers are from Europe. Yet, do you know that their main navigation instrument invented in China, instead? That’s probably a weird idea but yes it was.

It was first intended not for sailing, though. The compass was initially invented for Feng-Shui, the infamous teach of building layout from China. They made it to deciding the south and north position. Yet eventually, the function changed and it’s recognized more as a navigational instrument. The fame of this instruments rocketed and it’s a must property in every Chinese ship. The spreading of this technology to the Europe side is highly caused by the Arab traders who’re in close contact with the Chinese.

They get inspired by that Chinese invention and so they bought it home to think of development. Hence, it’s not an instant for the information to reach European, but eventually, they got it and that great inventions lead to many invasions.

10. Gunpowder


The next great invention of ancient Chinese is gunpowder. Although in their time it might just stay as black powder, this famous invention becomes more famous as a primary gun necessity which is ironic. Originally, the Chinese didn’t have the slightest idea to create a substance with the power to kill. Instead, they’re searching for a potion which may reward them immortality. Irony bound. the mix of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter that supposedly gave them immortality turned to be a substance that can end their life.

However, that’s until later when the war surged up and the powder used to fill guns that the powder is known as gunpowder. In ancient China, gunpowder was merely used to make firecrackers to protect them from the evil spirit. It’s believed that the noise made by firecrackers will chase away evil spirits. Well, it looks for me that the ancient Chinese people are a lover of peace.

The spread of gunpowder to Europe suggested another story for its fame. The one responsible for the spread of gunpowder to the west is the Mongol expansion. Their expansion brought this magical burnable powder to Europeans knowledge. Thus, it was the turning point of this powder to be gunpowder.

9. Earthquake Detector

Earthquake Detector
Earthquake Detector

Being one of the countries located along the ring of fire, the earthquake was also one of the Chinese concerns. Apparently, a bright inventor took an action for that an making the first earthquake detector that the world ever knew. It possibly surprised us all of how advanced ancient China civilization was! They’re like highly genius. While the rest of the world remains stagnant following their ancestor with little innovation, China beats it with numerous brilliant invention.

This first seismograph was created by Zhang Heng around 132AD. Unlike the current seismograph who can detect the exact position of and the strength of an earthquake. This first seismograph can be used only to determine the direction of an earthquake. However, at that time it was genius! No one before had the belief to be able to detect anything about an earthquake. Yet, Zhang Heng made it and surely it saved many people when an earthquake occurred.

Well, it’s no wonder that many countries see them as a strong rival. Look at how their ancestor did so thousands of years ago. Chinese has an immensely solid foundation. Many of the ancient Chinese inventionshad changed the world, it’s not impossible for the current generation to the same.

8. Silk


If you love fashion and garments, you must be familiar with silks. A garment that for centuries is deemed as an exclusive and expensive garment, this garment is invented by the Chinese. And as you may guess it, this is one of the Chinese finest inventions, by all means. As you might see, it gave a great impact on the garment industry. Yet, this invention also saved the Chinese economy at that time.

Over 6.000 years ago, silk is already invented in China. The Chinese were the masters in waving silks and it was so famous among the merchants. If you’re curious about how famous this garment is at that time, it was so famous that they name their trade road as Silk Road. Silks were the main commodity they sold to the foreigners. This garment was the peacekeeper between them and other countries! In short, they were the only silks supplier and of course, if others want to have those high-quality silks, they shouldn’t mess with the Chinese. How marvelous.

Nonetheless, after the west monk got the knowledge of silks making and took it home, silks weren’t China exclusive possession anymore.

7. Paper money

Paper money
Paper money

The next invention we should thank China is paper money. They’re the first country to apply the paper money system at the beginning of 9th century AD. While the other countries used the primitive barter or the heavy gold coins, the ancient Chinese had theirs in a more sophisticated and simpler way. They’re indeed years ahead from the rest of the world.

The paper money from China later introduced us to the current money system. It would be a bummer to bring heavy coin or thing just to buy a cup of coffee. This Chinese invention is clever. Now, thanks to them we don’t need to bring anything heavy in our pocket!

6. Umbrella


Next time when it’s raining and you’re reaching for your umbrella, you might want to say a ‘thank you’ to the Chinese because they’re the inventor for that. Without this invention, every rainy day is going to be a wet day for us.

Umbrella is first invented about 3700 ago by Lu Ban. Even though there’s no written literature who explicitly mentioned him as the umbrella creator, legend in China suggested that Lu Ban is the inventor. In a rainy day, it was said, he was inspired when some kids wore lotus leaf to cover their head from their falling rain. Thus, he tried to build the first umbrella. Using simple frame, he covered it with silk and created a waterproof layer above the silks by using wax. His invention has helped us through the angry rain for so many times over the centuries.

5. Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper
Toilet Paper

When we go to the toilet, the first thing you would check is the toilet paper. Sure, who wants to go doing their do in the toilet without the toilet tissue? That’ll be gross. For that, we should again thank the Chinese ancestors for inventing toilet paper and teach us the importance of being hygiene when nature calls.

When it comes about sanitary and a lot of things, the ancient Chinese was modern among their ancient fellows. As European used a sponge on a stick, American used corn, and their Asian neighborhood chose using leaf, China already used toilet paper.

Yes, it was the Chinese who came with the idea of toilet paper. Although they didn’t get the credit for this, some old literature from 100 BC showed that the ancient Chinese already using toilet paper. It was also made a massive production, indicating that the people highly concerned about their hygiene.

Thanks to this invention we won’t have the awkward moment to shove corn on our butt. They literally save our butts.

4. Toothbrush


If you ever wonder where the toothbrush is invented, you’ll be happy to know the answer now. It’s one of the Chinese inventions that do good deeds for many. While toothbrush wasn’t yet invented, people used some variations of substances which you’ll refuse to put on your mouth today. For example, charcoal that was famous in Arabian culture.

China is the pioneer in the toothbrush business.

It was in Ming dynasty when the toothbrush invented. And as this invention was one of Chinese best inventions, it’s also one of Chinese greatest dynasty. In 1498, the first toothbrush is made by attaching coarse horse hairs to a bone or bamboo stick. There’s also another variation using pick hairs for the brush. Although it sounds kind of disgusting, it was the best they could have. Plus, they clean the animal hairs before using it. Hygiene is always their number one priority so let’s not frown too deep for the use of horse hairs there.

However, as it might appear and as it can be judged from the little knowledge, it’s not China that brought toothbrush to the world attention. It’s the Europeans. This occurrence happened because Chinese had the tendency to keep their inventions as a secret. But, if I was one of them, I’ll probably do the same. After all, those are brilliant inventions they have!

3. Kite


Although there are fewer people playing kite nowadays, kite is very famous in its time. It was more than a plaything, as well. In early history, people use kite for many proposes. Fishing, measuring length, messaging for short distance, and testing the wind are the few fields kite often found. It was such a grand, especially for the military. Unfortunately, kite fame evaporates gradually. This once a great invention is largely in the museum as a display.

However, the greatness of kite invention is unbeatable back to 3.000 years ago. It’s loved by many for various purposes. Adults and children always had the wish to play it once in their life.

2. Alcohol


Estimated, more than two billion people in earth drinks alcohol. However, it’s probably not half that knows, alcohol is firstly invented by the Chinese. Is anyone surprised by this fact? Some of us might look at it with a disbelief look. But thousands years ago, it’s proven that Chinese is the first to know any alcoholic beverages.

Until 2013, the first maker of alcohol is known from the Arabian Peninsula, so it might shock some people to know that alcohol is invented by China. Yet, an excavation of pottery dated from 9.000 years ago in Henan broke the theory. Apparently, the Chinese had known the taste of alcohol years before the Arabian. Although surprising, this discovery is understandable. Chinese main trading partner had always been the Arabian. Accordingly, China seemed to believe their trade partner a lot because if there’s any of their inventions went to the outside world it’s usually from their trusted Arabian.

In ancient China, alcohol is mostly served for religious ritual or made as an offering to the spirits. For consumption, from an archaeology data of an oracle bone in the Shang Dynasty, the Chinese appreciated their invention highly, they loved it.

1. Tea


While tea party is less familiar in Chinese culture, they’re still the original inventor of this light drink.

It was thousand yours ago by Shennong. The name known as Chinese father of agriculture, a title that suited him so much since his discovery of tea had a great impact of the world beverages now. After he discovered tea, it eventually became a popular drink among the populations. In the Tang dynasty, it was enjoyed by every class. Tea erased the boundaries and differences between them. Chinese also made the first monograph of tea production entitled Cha Jing or literally translated as The Book of Tea.

Although it might come exaggerating, this Chinese invention is magical. There’s possibly no one on earth that despises this drink. Tea is suitable for any condition and a safe choice for any occasions. Just how great Chinese invention scan be?

It’s still amazed me greatly of how advanced is ancient China in their inventions. They work so hard while the rest of the world slept. Countless brilliant inventions from theirs had shaped the world history and it wasn’t only in a small quantity but a big one. If it’s not for their inventions we won’t have the sweet privilege to have the smartphone in our hands, nor the internet. We won’t know the delicious and healthy drink called tea. Our bathroom habit might be still primitive if they didn’t invent toilet papers. Chinese invention shad utterly done a great deal for our life. It’s unfortunate that they didn’t get enough credit for how extravagant their creations were to our civilization.

Thus, as we know of that now, let’s get them the credit for their fabulous inventions. We owe them a lot to make our life easier!

Tags: ancient Chinese inventions, Chinese inventions, list of ancient Chinese inventions

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